I'm writing to you from Bangkok, Thailand.
Dear Amy, I'm writing to you from Montreux, Switzerland.
Dear Jason, I'm writting to you from Elkhorn, Nebraska, USA.
Please write back to me.
I'm writing this letter to you on an airplane.
I'll write again soon.
I'm writing to ask you a big favor.
I'm writing this message to ask you a big favor.
make one's way :前進する
in fashion :流行して
in the long run :長い目で見れば
for a rainy day :万一の場合に備えて
arrange for~ :~準備をする
too much for~ :~の手に負えない
boast about ~ :~を自慢する
step by step :一歩一歩
be in trouble :困っている
lose one's way :道に迷う
put an end to~:~に終止符を打つ
be confident of~:~を確信している