Volcanic earthquakes continue at Mt. Hakone。。。



Volcanic earthquakes continue at Mt. Hakone

Volcanic earthquakes have continued at Mount Hakone,
located in a hot spring resort town outside Tokyo.

Japan's Meteorological Agency warns of a possible
eruption, and large volcanic rocks falling aroud the
rater in the Owakudani valley.

Officials say volacnic earthquakes have continued
since Sturday, mainly west of Lake Ashinoko.
The area is considered to be the epicenter of the
recent activity.

The ageny abserved 74 volcanic earthqukes on Sunday,
and four on Monday by 3 p.m...

The town of Hakone has restricted traffic from going
near the to pick up goods.

A wholesaler of dairy products said he came to
pick up materials for ice cream, and that he hopes
the situation returns to normal soon.

Services of the Hakone Ropeway have been halted.
A tourist from Belgium said he is disappointed
becaouse he was looking forward to experiencing
the view.
He said he will take a boat trip instead.


head for~:~に向かう

as to ~:~に関しては

as a whole:全体として

be worthy of~:~に値する

be independent of~:~から独立している

away from~:~から離れて

apart from~:~から離れて

sooner or later:遅かれ早かれ

at leisure:のんびりと

in brief:簡潔に

in short:簡潔に

at the risk of~:~の危険を冒して

put ~ at risk:~を危険にさらす

put ~ in danger:~を危険にさらす

ship out~:~を発送する

make a venture to~:~を探検する

a sheet of~:1枚の~

a strip of~:一片の~